A life insurance adviser will contact you shortly with your quotes. You may qualify for a discounted rate, so we need to confirm a few details.
What's covered:
You choose how much cover you need and how long you need it for.
You'll be covered if you die, or if you're diagnosed with a terminal illness (with a life expectancy of less than 12 months), within the policy term.
Premiums are guaranteed throughout the policy term and will not change unless you make changes to the policy.
Additional benefits are included at no extra cost depending on which insurer you chose, such as Smart Health or Accidental Death Benefit. Terms and conditions apply.
Important to know:
It's important to read your policy information in full and make sure you understand all the conditions covered and any exclusions which may apply.
You won't be covered within the first year of the policy if you die as a result of suicide or intentional and serious self-injury.
This is not a savings or investment product and has no cash value unless a valid claim is made upon diagnosis of terminal illness or death.
Term life policies sold through our broker are available to UK residents aged 18+. The maximum age will vary between insurers.
The terminal illness survival period stated may vary depending on the insurer.
If your life insurance is to cover your mortgage, your policy may not completely pay off your outstanding mortgage unless you make sure your amount of cover is adjusted to match any new mortgage arrangements. If you take out Decreasing Term Life Insurance, you should also check that the interest rate on your mortgage does not become higher than the rate applied to the policy.